In Italy I try
I try with my roomie
we're fuckin flowin
down a river of rhythm
into a stream of freedom
10 days in I'm not leavin'
can't believe the beauty I'm Breathin
In and out of
my eyes, seein
three times, four times, ten times
the number of women
women seekin peeking out
of da peripherals
hey girl hey girl gotta have the balls
balls to say em
not to say the least
at the least at the last
i sense the day so fast
so fast, in case of the last
the last time
I thought this rhyme
the rhyme of my mind
spiral collagues
thank you buddy
glad I brought this
So that was a rhyme sesh i had with my roommate brian last night. I had us write it down. We would switch off after a few lines. While having Metal Fingers special herbs on shuffle. Trav and I used to do that sometimes. I miss that guy. Oh yeah, the spiral collagues line is from when I looked up at your tapestry Neuscrill. I have it over my desk. Thanks man! I miss all the krew guys. But whenever I do, I'll just pretend I'm with them. Sometimes the people here won't pick up on it. Like when I'll talk in the voice that's like "Sleepin Ova! Talking like this." I'll use that voice a lot with some random sentences. But they just don't get it. They will laugh at it though. It is pretty funny I guess.
So I've been feastin like every night. Just cooking up some bomb Italian meals. I took pictures of a couple of the meals. I'm pretty much the head chef at my place. But Brian will tag team with me most of the times. I just think it up usually. And he'll help make. But I shouldn't take all the credit. He's kind of a head chef too. The meals keep getting better and better. Last night was the best of them all. We had 2 cute girls from our school come over for it. Kristin and Allison. And I bought like a mini keg of becks at the grocery store. It was 5L. Anyone good enough at math to convert it to how many beers that is? But yeah, I got a bit tipsy from it.... which lead to the rhyme sesh after the girls left.
So last weekend I hopped a train and went to Venice. Such an amazing place! We stayed for the weekend. Went with like a group of 4. Friday was a sweet sunset. Saturday it rained all day though. Fuckin stormed. We made the best of the weekend though. We stayed at a camping village. But we didn't camp in tents. It was like a village full of trailors. Like a trailor park. And we got our own trailor. The place was pretty nice. Like a resort. There was a bar and pool table some ping pong tables. And backpackers from all over the world. There was a toga party the first night. Brian joined in on it. I didn't. It was a bit chilly that night. PS - Austrailian dudes that are our age are not that cool. They were kinda getting on my nerves. Like frat guys. They were just acting deuschy like they're better than everyone. When really they were just beligerent fools. Went to some fancy restaurants in Venice too. Ate some seafood. I took a bunch of good pics. If you want to see them, I'm putting them up on facebook right now in an album. The Florence pics will have to wait for all of you. I still haven't explored the whole area yet. I'm thinking about doing that this weekend.
So the title. It's actually a funny story. We all went to a pub. I don't know why. It's like the least Italian thing here. This was during our first week. I didn't even want to drink that night. And I ended up getting the most drunk that night compared to any other night here. There was some old school Dre playing on the speakers. I started doing some king tut pop n' lock footwork. People dug it. We like had a little circle formed around me. All of the sudden. Out of nowhere! Brian pops in. And he's like "No way! Are we doing this!? Are we seriously doing this right now!?!?" And people, including me were like "Doing what? I was just king tuttin." But while I said that, it was too late. He just hopped in the circle and started doing some crazy ass dance. Nobody knew what it was. And it was nothing compared to what I was doing. It was like a C walk with really swingy legs. So from then on, we will bring up that line in conversations cuz it's fuckin hilarious. Alright, I'm out for now. Here are some pics of my meals I have made.
1 comment:
haha wow that food looks so bomb!!! jealous of your trip man. it was really good to talk to you today tho. lets continue to do that, I'll get a phone card soon. for the mean time we'll talk on here.
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