So I'm back at school after one of the most craziest weekends of my life. I went to Munich, Germany to check out Oktoberfest! I went with my roommate Brian. We stayed at Sarah and Hannes' place. They live in a fancy suburb of Munich. It's one their grandma's guest house. They are a couple at the age of 20. So it worked out perfectly. I found them on Highly recommend it. It was free and amazing.
We arrived on Friday in the morning. We were so anxious to get our drink on. We dropped our stuff at the house first after we met up with Sarah. They didn't even want to go. I guess they hate Oktoberfest. But they live there. So I can only imagine how they feel about it. Brian and I got there in the afternoon. Started drinking. And we had too much too fast. Friday night, Brian and I got so trashed! It was crazy. So much shit happened that night. We had about 3 Liters of beer. Really alcoholic potent beer. In like less than 2 hours.
We made friends with people at our table from Italy and the UK. This big Italian dude grabbed my hand and we arm wrestled. I knew he was gonna beat me. But after he grabbed my hand. I really didn't have a choice. It was like BOOM 123 YOU LOSE! Whatevs. It was pretty funny. We were all started yelling vagina in Italian with our tongues sticking out. It is pronounced Fiha. So we were saying it like FEEEHAAAAHHH!!!! Then there was an embarrassing moment. Some skanky ass german girls were like asking me for cash. And I was like No! They were like, "What do we have to do?" I was like I dunno, I'm not giving you any. They were like should we show you our tits. I replied, "sure, if you want." Eventually one of them grabbed my face, pulled it to her and BOOM we were makin out for like 10 seconds. Then the other one was like "My turn!" and BOOM make out number 2. Well I lost nothing. Didn't give them cash. I guess they got some me out of it. Which is like bonus points for them. The embarrassing part of all of this is that they were not that good looking and pretty young. I just hate thinking about what age they were. Fuckin Gross Max! Thankfully it didn't get out of hand.
After this though, Brian came back with something on his head. It looked like a hat at the time. But he explained to me the next day that it was just some weird combover wig he took from the UK people. But one of those girls from earlier took it. And I started chasing her down. Brian was like "no don't worry about it". But he was already blacking out so I didn't listen to him. Eventually they got away. I was like "Nooo dude!!!! They took your hat!!!!!" He didn't respond. He was blacking out. So I had to help walk him back to the train station with his arm over my shoulder. It was a very brutal walk. We had to take it to the Baldham stop to get to Hannes and Sarah's place.
During the train ride, Brian was just passed out. Eventually I started feeling sick. I had to get out of the train to get some air. He would not wake up though. I was shaking and shaking him and yelling his name I was like "Brian! Wake up man. I gotta get out of this thing. I need some air!" Eventually he got up and we got off at some random stop. The second we got off, Brian just passes out on the ground. And this time, I couldn't get him up. I was shaking and shaking him. This is the point where I believe I blacked out because I'm not fully sure about the next detail. But I realized I had to get back on the next S4 train to get to Baldham. And I think I just left brian there. Because the next chapter was me on a train again after waking up from riding it back and forth through Munich for like 2 or 3 hours. I could've been fucked. Yeah, I woke up on a train. People were just staring at me. And inside my head I was just thinking, "Huh? Where's Brian?" I hope he's okay. Eventually I reached Baldham and got back to the house. Hannes answered the door. I told him I lost Brian. Hannes said you called me like 3 hours ago to tell me you were heading back. I told him "yeah, I fell asleep on the train. that's how I lost brian." But some good news is that eventually brian woke up at some random station, got on a train, and arrived at the house when I was sleeping already. What a night!
The next day, Hannes smoked us up with some dank buds. They gave us an inside tour of the beautiful city. Brian and I went back to Oktoberfest for a couple hours. By the way, there are so many fine chicks in those costumes. Their cleavage is just everywhere! We took it a little easier this time because Hannes and Sarah were gonna take us to a rave. Yep. I was at a Eurobeat DJ rave that was under some club until 5 in the morning Saturday night right after a delicious dinner that Sarah cooked. We almost didn't get in cuz we weren't on the list. It was pretty secret. Hannes talked to the bouncer though.
These German's were dancing weird though. The dudes and girls dance seperately. You couldn't tell if people were couples or not. Hannes and Sarah weren't even dancing together. But I was in this small circle kinda. There were 2 dudes to the right of me and then 1 good looking chick to the right of them which means she was pretty much across from me. And those guys weren't making any moves. So I started grooving out. She checked out my moves and dug it. She started meandering towards my direction. In my head I was like "Hell yes!" Eventually she was right in front of me and we were dancing together. So after a little bit I decided to get a little closer. The second my hand touched her hip she was like "No!" Like on those shows where you hear a dj scratch his record when the party has a buzzkill. That's what it was like. So that kinda sucked but oh well. So that's my Munich story. It's Monday. I'm gonna try open mic again. Peace!