So It's been a bit since my last post. These past two weeks have been kinda busy. They've been all about midterms. I kinda talked with Peter. Well, I commented on one of his blogs a week ago. It felt pretty good. Good things to discuss. It was like a conversation. And then today I got a message from him on facebook. Can't wait to travel with that guy. Peter, are you gonna bring your guitar? My roommate and I split a guitar and little drum here. I don't think I'm gonna bring it when we travel though. It just might not be worth it to haul around. I don't know how long you'll be in the states for though. And I think that you should mail your les paul back home so it will be waiting for us when we get back. We can use my amplifier. It has 4 inputs. Plus, you just gave me an idea. We should totally jam at open mic. This guy that hosts it could let you use his guitar. It has been a while. We might need to brush up actually. Or just play by feelings. Whatevs, we'll figure this out later.
So last weekend I did a couple productive things. On friday, I went on this trip to some hot springs spa about an hour away. It was very relaxing. I met a couple cute girls too. I really needed it after typing up an 11 page paper. Then on saturday it was a gorgeous day. I hiked to the top of Monte Ceceri in Fiesole on my own and saw the sunset over the mountains. You could see all of florence from it. They are the pics right above. Then on Sunday I went to go hike through Le Cinque Terre (The 5 Towns). It is a 4 to 5 hour hike through 5 towns connecting along the Mediterranean coast. Supposed to be one of the best hikes in the world. And it was so beautiful. So glad I did that. Check out the pics I posted up on Facebook everyone.
In 2 days, my Midterm 10 day break starts! I'm going to London!!! Then Ireland. It'll be 2 or 3 places in Ireland. Cork or Gallaway to see the Cliffs of Mohr (everyone google image that shit). Then Dublin. Then we're going to Oslo, Norway and northern Norway to see some Killer Whales and some Northern Lights!!! That is gonna be so sick! Europe is awesome. I'm so glad I could do this. I'm making the best of it too and will see everything I can.
Our art history teacher is awesome. He gets so into everything. We saw Michelangelo's David last week. Listening to him describe every detail made the sculpture so much more amazing to see.
Well, I gotta go study for my Italian quiz tomorrow. I will let you all know how my break goes when I get back. Oh and Andy, good job on getting into the U.
Here's Me at Cinque Terre